Happy Birthday, Me!


I have had a wonderful day. I woke up from the  happy voice of my little nephew! I made some delicious cinnamon rolls with icing dripping off the side! It was a great breakfast to start the day off. Had a family gathering that was a blast! The cake was awesome! It was vanilla cake that was nice and fresh!  Thank you Mom and Nathan for the fun party! Here is a peak of the cake!

If you are wondering why the cake says, "Happy Birthdya Jessica, Jennifer and Mike", because I share my birthday with one of my sister and her boyfriend! If you did not know! O yah, Doug Gordon (photographer, flow posing) 

Little Jacob: 6 months


Jacob is such a sweetie pie! Luckily, his mom helped out alot throughout the shoot. She was up for anything, and it made for some pretty cute pictures!
I had fun capturing Jacob's 7 months milestone! The photoshoot was on a fall chilly day of September 17th. As I enter the living room, Jacob is ready for the spotlight. He is a very lovable baby who always happy and has a smile on his face. Jacob love to roll! He is starting to get in the  crawl position, but  he has not figured it out yet! But he will! 

What a blast! Thanks again for all the help Christy, enjoy the pictures!

Today Jacob sat up by himself! The day after the photoshoot! Congrats, Jacob on the little moment! 

But You Will!

Here is an Amazing Quote from Adidas that I wanted to share.

''You Don't Know Me, You Don't Know Anything About Me,You Don't Know What I Am Made Of Or Just How Much I Am Capable Of, You Don't Know Where I've Come Form Nor Where I'm Heading. You Know Nothing Of my High Or Lows,You Don't Know How Fast I Am Or How Strong I Am, You Haven't Got A Clue What Breakfast Cereal I Eat, What Fragrance I Wear Or Who I'm Dating.You Don't Even Know My Name. BUT YOU WILL.'' -Adidas


    Well, I can cross of number 28 on my Photography Goals for 2011! Yes, I finally put the 3 poster in a frame and hung two up on the wall! Can you believe I had the poster since 2009! O yes! I said it, for a long time! At least  know I can show them off! The vintage camera posters is by designer Rob Hunting in Chicago.  The poster is 24'' by 26'' and was hand screened on french paper.  The line drawing of 14 vintage cameras from around the world. Here is  the evidence that I  did hang the poster on the wall! They look great together! Don't you think?

Have a great week!