2012: A New Year!


A new year is a new beginning with new goal and achievement that are ready to be concurred. Do you have any goals for 2012?

Happy New Year!

The Best Marry Christmas Present Ever!

This year I gave my nephews a gift that they really wanted for Christmas!  I sat them down and told them I bought you guys a gift that you would like, i have worked really hard  for it and I have been saving up for it. And i want you  to enjoy it and take care of it! They guessed it was a dog! So I went to the car to get it! They where so excite and thought it was a dog! I was like no it is not!  I have them the package and told them to be careful it will break! They where so excited and surprised! Because I  wrapped the present put it in a box and then wrapped it  with tissue paper the but it in the bottom of a box with the same color tissue paper in the bottom. Then on top I put the wall charger and car charger covered with issue paper and put it a box with the package supplies. When they opened the box and saw the charger, the look on their face was priceless. It was like are joking what is this! So I hold them to  look in the box their is more. They discovered it and opened the present! They were like it was the best present ever!
The moment and expression on their face was priceless!
It  an Apple Ipod Touch!

How To Clean Battery Acid

I  follow other photographer's blogs! One of the  blogs is  Photo Sister! I came across the this post on how to remove battery acid from your electronics by using Coca-Cola and alcohol! The youtube video on how to remove the acid from the flash is here.

Andrew Zuckerman

Andrew Zuckrman  is a New York  photographer, who has this project called Wisdom! Here is a link to the video of Andrew Zuckerman speaking: Andrew Zuckerman: Curiosity, Rigor, and Learning As You Go. The video makes me want to watch documentary movie and purchase the book.

Good Books

Some great books I have read and is a must is the following: