
     I went on vacation with my sister and her family! We went to Myrtle Beach, Sc. for 5 days. My favorite part was when we took a ride on the Skywheel. It was amazing at the view. The Skywheel is basically a ferris wheel ride where you can see around you 360 degree view of every thing in site! The Skywheel even lights up at night in different colors.



   This post is in memory of Paula Mae. She lived with use for over two and half years and she called me her friend, some times girl. I remember her saying come here girl! She passed away from alzheimer's disease on June 11. 
   It is interesting how some foods reminds you of certain people and how you can pick up eating habits from hanging around someone. I picked up this cookies habit for hang with Paula Mae. She love to eat chocolate Chips Ahoy Chunky chocolate chunk cookies, chunky white fudge cookies and M and M cookies. She got me into the M and M cookies and then it went to Oreos! I use to eat Oreos when I was a kid. My top favorite cookie is Oreo Fudge Creames original cookie. Both of the cookies you can not just eat one kind of cookie. It is like a potato chip. You can not just have one.  You should try them they are really great.

   Below are some of my favorite cookies: Oreo sandwich cookie, Oreo sandwich cookies golden original, Oreo fudge Creams original cookies and popsicle Oreo filled cookie.

 What is your favorite cookie?

SEEK and PEAK: Lightroom and Pool

This weeks highlights!

SEEKS are......

  • There is not enough time in the day to do what I want to accomplish.
  • Four event notes to type from CreativeLIVE workshops.
  • I am so behind in uploading images in Lightroom!

PEAKS are.......

  • The pool is open, clean and the cover so the water can get warm.
  • Skip Cohen on creativeLIVE for 2 nights was really great!
  • A t.v. show I enjoy watching is Think You Can Dance show, it fun to watch this week.
  • 6 more days till I go on vacation with my nephews. It is going to be fun.

Where do you find your inspiration?

Where do you find  your inspiration?

I think inspiration is anything that helps you generate artist ideas for a photograph. You can find inspiration from many places. I like getting inspiration from Pinterest, magazines, advertisements, music videos and other photographers work. You can get inspiration form a photograph. It can be one little think you like about the photo like the posing, lighting, arrangement of the composition or the emotion in conveys. You do not have to copy the photograph, but you can take a piece of the photograph and make it you own style.

Where to you keep your inspirational images?

I keep mine in a binder and on Pinterest. I am think of storing the photos on my computer in an inspirational fold with keywords. So if I think of an idea, I can type the keywords in and photographs will pop up. It would be faster for me to locate my inspirational images.

Get inspired from what ever you are passionate about or what ever inspires you!