‘The light that shines’ A Documentary

This is a film document that everyone must watch!

Over the last few days I have been watching Sue Bryce and Hailey Bartholomew on CreativeLIVE and they shared Jill Brezezubski-conley's story on film. It is a beautiful story of a women's courage and straight.  She is telling her story with the help of Sue Bryce and others. The story is  very powerful I must say.

Here is the video.

'The Light That Shines' a story for all from InBedWithSue.com on Vimeo.

Here is the magazine with great words of wisdom and straight.

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Can you believe it, my little blog made it to Pintrest!  When I discovered it I was like now that is cool!  The post that made it was the under the sea baby shower that I did.

Steve Job's 2005 Stanford Commencement Address

I  Love TedTalk. This is a video from Youtube that Steve Job's 2005 Stanford Commencement Address. The Speech is inspiring and a must watch.

Camera Cookies!

I tested out the camera Cookies cutters and decorated the cookies! I had a blast!