Fun Fabulous Tuesday!

Jasmine Star, a Famous Wedding Photography from Orange County, who came to Akron, Ohio as part of the Akron Photo Series to discuss her marketing strategies and social media. 
I have a confession! I have been following  Jasmine Star's blog for a while. I came across this amazing photographer by watching Dane Sanders , Escalate LIVE  May 2010 live webcast. I have been so excited to meet Jasmine Star.  I really counted down the days for when she came to Akron, Ohio. No Joke! I really was!  You know how a child counts down the day for Christmas. I was counting Jasmine Days! LOL!

On March 29, 2011, it was Jasmine Day. It was cold outside and the sunny was shining, but when you entered the ballroom it was a different story, it was filled with energy!  From all of  the photographers eager to meet Jasmine Star and network with each other. I arrived at the ballroom half an hour early to hear her speak. Upon entered the ballroom Skip  Cohen ( the brains behind the Akron Photo Series) was their to great you!  Jasmine Star and JD  (Jasmine's husband and second shooter) was very kind and down to earth. Jasmine is an amazing photography and business owner. The best advice I took away from spending the evening with Jasmine was to be yourself, take the tools she gave you and incorporate them in to your own business.Your business is you, stay true to yourself and your brand! A great website is a version of me and a blog is best version of personal me. She even brought up some great points to think about! Like, what sets you apart from other photographer? The quote of the evening was "Be different is powerful"- Jasmine star. She even asked a great question. What makes you different? Showcase your differences! How can you use that? Be unique!  BE YOU!  And best of all  a percentage of every ticket sold was donated to Akron Children Hospital! 

 I would like to thank Jasmine Star for coming to the cold east coast to educate other photographers on marketing. Also, Thanks to Skip Cohen,  for all of his hard work he put into each Akron Photo Series Event. Skips created the Akron Photo Series to bring great photographers to the Akron Area. The next photographer coming to Akron is Julieanne Kost on May 23,24 of 2011! Get your ticket and mark your calendar the Adobe Queen is coming to town!
Have a great day!

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