Light Painting


       Light painting is a creative technique you can  do with  a flashlight, sparklers and glow sticks.This was my first time painting with light by using a flashlight. It was fun and exciting!

Light painting is a great way to play with lighting and you do not need that much stuff to accomplish it.  The room has to be dark and you need a digital camera( can be set to manual), tripod and I used two Pocket Wizards, wear dark cloths.

The  step are the following:
1. Put  the camera on tripod and have the camera on manual and focus on manual( focus on the point your flashlight is going to be). Set the cameras  f-stop to the highest number and shutter speed on bulb. Connect the Pocket Wizard on the camera and turn on both Pocket Wizards.
2. Turn the light off and wear dark clothing. Get your flashlights ready and can grab some friend to makes it more fun.
3.  With the camera on a tripod and one Pocket Wizard on camera.  Have the other Pocket Wizard in hand with the flashlight.
4. Hold down  the button on the Pocket Wizard and be creative with the flashlights. When you are down with your  light painting  release the button on the Pocket Wizard.
5. Check the back of the camera to see your image and make adjustment if needed. Make sure  the light painting is in focus.

The below is one of my photographs.

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