SEEK and PEAK: Pen and Instagram app


This weeks highlights!

SEEKS are……..

  • My number of images that need to be tagged in Adobe Lightroom, keeps on growing!
  • I was taking note when watching CreativeLIVE and I wrote on my blanket with a red pen! Shout will take it out!
  • I lost a lens cap! No worries, I have an extra one.

PEAK are……….

  • Love watching CreativeLIVE, Anatomy of a Photoshoot with Mark Wallace! It is FREE education, to watch  the live and you can also watch the  rematch  usually most of the night! If you do not have time during the day to watch the show. Itt started at noon and the rewatch started at 8 o'clock at night.
  • I just discovered and love the Instagram app!
  • I think THE WAR OF ART book is a great book, going to finish it next week! You can purchase it on, for a great price! 

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