Some Of My Favorite Apps

Here are some of my favorite apps:

Camera+ app allows you to have more creative control over your image when capturing a moment.

Snapseed app is amazing when editing your photos in post production.

Week Cal app is great for planing and organizing.

Things app is great organizing and planing a project or event. I used this app to help plan a birthday party.

Tomorrow app is used to create a to do list that you can check off what you accomplish and transfuse your list to the next day to try again.

Instantpaper app is great when you want to read a blog or website when you do not have Internet connection. You have to sync the app before you loose the Internet connection. So you can read the blogs later

Flipboard app is like a personal magazine that you can customize to your personal like on social networking and magazines around the world.

Photoverse app is great to read and discover photo blogs and website.

Inatagram app is great for sharing your images.

Pinterest app is great for making inspiration boards that you can share and follow other people.

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