Last race of the year
On December 21, 2013, I attend the Akron Canton Regional Foodbank's inaugural Selfless Elf 5k at 8 o'clock in the morning the tempature was 56 degrees and a light rain the whole run! It was a nice run I got soaked but I did not get cold! Good thing I had on the selfless elf tee shirt, a wicked long sleeve shirt, a running tee, under arm tights and running shorts with no gloves! But my craft running hat and elf socks! The course was nice and thair was a part in the course where you had to go down a road and back up(a turn around spot) that means you pass runner at the loop and I was giving runner a high five as we passed each other to make it fun. This one tall guy put his hand up high for me to give him a high five and I jumped up and gave him a high fived him! It was funny! Thair even one guy that was running with no shoes, very interesting! The first mile was. 8:55 , then I lost it! I started of to fast! I finished in 31:24:2, pace of 10:07. It was funny because I start put towards the front of the start lone and I see everyone around me get ready to start thair stop watch to time them self! It was a great event and thair was 800 plus selfless runners and walkers at this event!
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Deciding a Full Marathon
I have been thinking about doing a marathon at the end of April and run for a charity to! It will be my first marathon and I have been questioning myself if I can accomplish it! I was woundering if training in the winter will I be able to get my miles in, while considering it will be my first time running in the snow! But it is a plus that I have 3 half marathons under my belt!
Well I have offically decided to train for a full marathon! I just sent the email out it is official! Wish me luck in April!
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Loom Bracelets
Rainbow Loom bracelets are the it toy for school age kids for a few months now! The bracelets that you make with rubber bands, s hook, weaving tool, braclet maker peg tool.
It was a nice day outside, it was cold, but was a great day for a 5 mile run, just before the nephews came over to spend the night. As they enter the house, Jacob (7 year old) goes on a hunt for Me (Aunt Jen) and ask me to make Starburst Loom Bracklelet for him! He told me it was hard and I asked is it on Youtube? He said yes! Let me tell you I never made a Loom bracelet before and was going to make a interment bracelets for the first time. I skipped the beginning and the advances brackets! LOL! I was ready to tackle the bracelet, just follow the video, I am a visual learner, so that is a plus!
I watch the video and follow the steps, doing great till it was time to take it off the peg thing, I start taking it off gently and it fell apart, my nephew was like you have to be fast, and he helped me! He picked out the color he wanted me to make them in. Well bracelet attempt 1: it did not work, it fell apart. So I was cool with it, I told Dylan, no worries, I can make another one and I will go fast when pulling it off the peg thing. Hay we learned something, no worries I will get it! Dylan was like you should have lissened to me! Attempt 2: I completed the starburst bracelet and it looks cool! I must say! My nephew so excited! He was like you are the best bracelet maker ever! He was like I am not going to trade this bracelet, I am going to keep it for ever! Dylan just made my day! So them Nathan wanted me to make him a bracket! So I made it after the his brother went to sleep. Attempt 1: did not work out, I tried quick fix and did not work. I spend like an hour on the purple color , trying to do a quick fix. Lessoned learned start over when mess up! Attempt 2: it finally worked! I attempted it the next morning after I made cinnamon rolls for the kids! O yah! I got it
We it was a nice weekend hanging out with the nephews! They sure are a blast!
Hope everyone had a great weekend!
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Thanksgiving Day
The day before Thanksgiving, my Grandma and Jessica made their traditional pies together. I think they made like 12 pies with the help of my Mom. I was not able to capture the moments, but I grab a photo of the pies!
Thanksgiving Day the weather was nice and cloudy at the temperature of 25 and I was able to get back to running after a few days of rest! Yes! I ran 3.12 miles before everyone came over to celebrate thanksgiving! My Grandma stayed the night to help get ready for Thanksgiving dinner. She got the turkey ready as I documented it and them my Mom cooked it! Then I rolled my Grandmas special silverware that always comes out on Thanksgiving dinner.
It was very interesting to see my littlest nephew discover hand print I have hanging on my wall. The hand prints are of my nephews. They are done each year around my birthday and them I frame and hang them! My handsome oldest nephew, Nathan allowed me to capture a great photo of him! So what happened when I washed Thanksgiving dinner dishes and don’t play with the nephews! Well, I a funny surprise awaits me! Dylan and Jacob decided to put a lot of stickers (a roll of farm sticker that had like 100, used 60 stickers) on the inside of my confider. Jacob was so proud of himself, he had to show me!
Over all I had a great day hanging with family and eating yummy turkey!
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Last Half Marathon of the Year!
On Sunday, November 24, I ran my last half marathon for the year at the Fall Classic Half Marathon in Strongsville, Ohio. I have been training for this and I was ready to beat my PR (personal record).
So the night before I ate spaghetti, water for dinner and for a snack I ate some carrots and a gorilla bar. I layer out my outfit before bed. It was my new running hat, gloves, my buffer to cute the wind on my face, a purple wicket t-shit, Nike arm warmers, and a long sleeve wicket 3/4 zipper, the outside layer of my new Columbia Jacket( used as a rain Jacket to cut the wind and snow), underarmed tights, black running shorts, socks, gu (I could not find Power Gel when picking up my packet) and my bib number 231! I had a great night sleep from 11:30 p.m. to 6 o’clock. For breakfast I drank Sunny D, Apple Juice and had some Frosted Flacks and a banana. After eating I checked the weather app on iphone ( I use for an iPod) to see what the weather is going to be like at 9 am when the race starts. The weather app called for snow. I was nervous about running in the snow. But when my Uncle Jim and I arrived to the race site at the Bonnie Park Cleveland Metro parks their was not a drop of snow on the ground. We had to walk a mile from the RTA parking lot to the start line. My Uncle did great. I Just saying!
The race was on a cloudy day with the temperature that was the chill 20 degree with the wind 20 mph with no snow! After stretching and going to the restroom. Then they told everyone to line up at the start line I was a little nerves, but I was ready, because the last two runs, I ran that that pace I wanted to run at this race and I did great. As I line up towards the back of the rows and start my iPod with Nike run app and put my ear buds to my ear. I hear the Alicia Keys song “ Girl on fire” It is a in powering song and it fired me up. I got my watch ready to use the stop watch mode and pushed the start as I crossed over the track pad at the start line, because my time does not start until I cross the track pad. Keeping track of my time helps me stay on target with my goal time.The course was smooth, flat and fast. At one of the water stations a gorilla even passed out ice water. Around mile 6, I was going to pass my Uncle Jim some cloths or my Gu trash. I told him, around an hours I should be at mile six. Well, I was on my A game and I was ahead of my target time. So as I come up to my Uncle Jim around mile 6, he is holding his iPhone ready to take a photo. As I snuck up on Uncle Jim at mile six, I gave my him a high five as I was running, He smiles and high fives me! I was feeling great around mile 6 and ready!
It was the first time I ran in this cold of weather because I have been running in 32 degrees weathers.
But I have been training for this. My goal was to beat my Akron Marathon time of 2:14:45. So I used a pacer band and my old stop watch to make sure I was on pace for my goal time of 2:14:00. I stopped the watch on accident and did not notice, so I was not able to keep pace, so then I was thinking how I can work around it and figured I started at 9 a.m. and calculated in my brain where I should be at every mile the sync it with my pace band. And it worked! I rocked it! I beat my goal time and I crossed the finish line at 2:13:48 and I was 26 in my age group 30 to 34!
This was the first half marathon I felt good the whole race, I mainly focused only my breathing and checked my form through out the race. I was feeling good till the last mile. Then I was thinking to myself, “Dud that is just one lap around the the block when I am training, I got this in the bag. Just keep on running!” I did!
After the race volunteers passed out hot chocolate, cookies and other yummy food for the racers. I really enjoyed it and it was not that hard to run in the cold as I thought it was going to be.
O ya! I realized I forgot my SLR camera as we are walking to the start line of the race. That is not a good thing for me! So I had to take photos when I got home with my SLR! :(
Wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving and enjoy it with your friend and family, while eating yummy turkey and mash potatoes!
Photo credit: Jessica Genevish
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Monday 6 miles run!
IMonday was many mile. Last long run of 6 miles before my last half marathon this weekend! It was a nice fun the trees was bar and the leafs was pilled up along the side of the road! The tempature was 45 degrees, nice weather for a long run and I decided to try out this power gel energy for this long run, because I usually use gu for my Long runns only! The power gel kind was more liquid and as thick at the gu! It worked great! I think I am going to use it on the half marathon this weekend!
Hope everyone has a great Friday!
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Running Buddy
On November 16, 2013 I was watching my little nephew Jacob who is only 2 year old. I want to see if he was up for a run, so I said Jacob you want to go for a run! He was like sure! So I ended up chasing him around the room and playing flash light tag. We had a blast! I took of my fleece and not soon after that Jacob wanted to to take of his shirt. ( good thing we was inside). It was funny because we was running, then Jacob was like I will be back going to get a drink Aunt Jenny. Then I would here his little feet run down the alway for a drink and back up to the toy room to continue running. So we ended up running for over 8 minutes and grabbed some blue Gatorade when we was done and a photo to! It was fun! Maybe next time I will get him to run down the sidewalk!
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Towpath Marathon
Last Sunday on November 3, 2013 I ran my second half marathon.I competed Towpath Marathon at the Cuyahoga Valley National Park( it was rescheduled because of the government shut down, it was suppose to be on October 13, 2013). Due to the shutdown the race was resceduled and the back of the shirts stated "Can't Shut A Good Run Down". The course was great and flat with some amazing views, I wish I had took my camera! The race started at 8:00 am, I got thair early and was able to stretch and use the restroom! I start the race with a goal of beating my Akron Half Marathon time. I started the first few mile ahead of my pace time. Then I decided to ditch my glove at around the 6 miles mark. I found Jessica Speece and her father to run with , then I had to pick up my pace to keep on target. When running I notice a lot of gloves and clothing along the course from runners getting hot! At mile 8 I looked at my pace band and my iPod and noticed I was few minutes behind. I was like I will never catch up! Crap! Then I was like keep on running, my new goal was to run the whole race without walking! So I payed for not running for 7 days before the race, I was so tired and really pushing myself to finish the race! I could only imagine my face when I crossed the finish like! I really pushed myself the last mile, but I tried to keep at my steady pace. I loved the trail and would love to do it again! I finished the race at 2:20:46 and ran the whole thing! It was not my best time but I will take it! Since I did not run for 7 days because a lot was going on in life, like my Mom was in the hospital. But Thair is one more half marathon this year and my goal is to beat my Akron Marathon time of 2:14:45.
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Monster Bash
This year the 3rd annual holloween party was on October 26 at three o'clock . The theme was monster bash and it was held at my sisters house! It was on a nice fall day when the leafs was turning color and excitement was in the air! The house was decorated with scary items and the table was all set for each person. My nephew Dylan and Nathan helped me set the table! Dylan had the creative idea to place the monster rolling hand next to each plate and it really make each table setting look amazing! I must say! On the menu for the event was yummy deserts, sliders, jobs, fruit guy, pumpkin vegetable platter, creepy cheese. One the desert bar was yogurt drops, banana bits, Reese bits, ghost cake pops, franklinstin marshmallow pops, creepy shooters, strawberry mouse, rice Krispy mummy pops, rock candy, s'mores bar, homemade gornola bars, strawberry licorice, sugar cookies and muddy buddy's and apple bit with carnal. The Carmel bit set up a little! I will try to improve the apple bits next year! Everyone enjoys the deserts! The kids had a great time at the games. Some of the games was pin the eye on the monster, punch box, bean bag toss, adopt a monster and skeleton hunt, bingo, guessing game and mystery bowl! With the help of Jessica and Heidi the game went smoothly! But I was not able to get to two games the bobbing for Apple and the photo booth! The kids was able to trick or treating at six o'clock around their house, will I clean up. While I was cleaning up I see my little nephew Jacob digging in one of the glass container that has the Rice Krispy mummy pops sticking in styrophom that was in the glass container with m and m to cover it. Ok back to the story! I look over as Jacob is deternand to get a m and m that was stuck between the styrophom and the glass container. He pulled the styrophom that was glued with hot glue gun out of the glass container just to get to all of the m and m's. I was a half dressed Mina, my sister was a robber and went around the house grabbing people's items and at the end of the party she gave it all back! It was funny everyone wanted to know what she snatched of theirs! She snatch Nathan iPod and DSI. He was very surprised! I was able to capture some great moment! But would have liked to get a lot more photos! Maybe next year! I want to thank my Mom, Jessica and my Aunt Paula for helping me pull this party off! Also thank you Christy and Greg for letting me host the party at your house! I thing everyone had a blast! I can not wait for next year Halloween party! I always try and top last years party! And I think it was a success!
I hope everyone had an great Happy Halloween!
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New Gorge Bridge Day 2013
This weekend I had a great time with my Uncle, aunt, Sister, Nephew, and another great family at the bridge day event where people from all over the world come to jump off the bridge! The bridge day 2013 is in Fayetteville, West Vergina, where they jumpers jump off New Riber Gorge Bridge. The the bridge is 876ft above the new river. It was a great weekend filled with laughter and fun!
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Preparing for Halloween party in 2 weeks
My 3rd Annual Halloween party in in 2 week! I am feeling a little over whelmed because I usually plan the party for a month! The theme this year is monster mash. I think I will pull it of if I stay focused and get everything but the food and the balloon arch done next week, then I will be good! I think! My goal this week is to make the monster animals that they are going to adopt, signs for the game, food signs,make skeleton hunt game, make dart game, pin the eyes on monster game, mystery bowl game figured out, sketch and final draft of what food I am going to make!
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Run and Fun this weekend!
On Saturday I played with my littlest nephews, Jacob, who is always up for an adventures! We had a blast playing outside with bubbles, catching bug and playing with older kids! Jacob, Jona ( a 3rd grade down the street) tried to catch a frog but ended up catching warms and spiders instead! Then Jacob was able to play with the big kids, who let him ridein their Little Tikes hummer! They all played very well together! Jacob was attracting all the big kids! He loved riding in the Little Tikes hummer!
This morning I had a great morning run with some cool Dud's at the Green Bulldog Dash 5k. The race is great because all of the money raised go straight back into the school systems. Nathan and I ran together our time was 30:36! Dylan and his Dad ran together the time was 36:29. Our goal was under 1 hour. It was a great course. At the beginning of the race Dylan and his Dad was beating Nathan and I. But like I told Nathan it is ok, we have to pace ourself, don't worry we will pass them up, trust me! And we did! Nathan did a great job. After Nathan and I crossed the finishline we desided to cheers on his brother and his Dad. But then Nathan want to run with his brother to encourage him till they got close to the finishline. So we did! Dylan even earned a trophy in 3rd place in his 1st grade range! I am so proud of my nephew!
Way to go boys!
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My First Half Marathon 2:14:45
Yesterday I ran my first Akron half marathon on September 28,2013 at 7:00 am , it was amazing! The Akron marathon had 15000 runners!
I was so excited and little nervous, even if I have been train for the Akron half marathon. I went to the expo and it got me really excited. My goal when I started training for the half marathon was 2:30:00.But then after I ran 13.1 miles two time before signing up, my goal changed to 2:15:00. With that goal I knew I hand to get faster because when Idid two training runs my time was 2:23:00 and 2:18:00. So I wanted to create a goal that would push me! Well I must say I smashed the miles at the akron half marathon with my finish time was 2:14:45. I was so happy when I found out I reached my goal. When I crossed the finish line it stated 2:20:56, I think. But that is the time from when the race started to finish. But I did not start running when the race started it took me a some time to cross the start line. So my net time was 2:14:45, that is how long I was running for from start to the finish line. The Akron half marathon was a great course and experience! Thair was a crowed of spectators that incouraged and cheered the runners on. Some spectators had marshmallows and starburst that they passed out to the runners! Thair was some funny signs like for example, " run like you stool it" and "smile if your not wearing underware". I really enjoyed the race and looking forward to next years akron marathon. I am thinking about doing the full marathon next year. I am just thinking! But I have to get a little faster first.
The following is how my journey of running started. I found a love for running at the end of April. I started running training to run a 5k. Then after I got a few 5k's under my belt, I want to do a half marathon. So I decide to train for it and run a 10k to see if I was ready for a half marathon! I could run more when I crossed the finish line at the 10k race.
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Define your purpose and your goal!
This week I was watching CreativeLIVE Photo Week, that is where there is 50 instructors on 3 channels, that is live to watch and re watch for FREE for 6 days! If you love the workshop you can purchase the courses. I was watching Sue Bryce workshop Empower Yourself and Energize Your Business. Sue Bryce is an amazing portrait photographer from Australia, who is always inspiring and educates others. One of the topics she covered was purpose, what do you want: it's impossible to set a course when you don't know. The Sue Bryce mentioned John Demartini. So I Googled him and found this interesting video with great information that I must share!
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Dream it. Do it.
This evening I tuned into CreativeLIVE while editing images. The topic was Music Business 101: Networking and the speaker was Steve Rennie. As I was select my favorite images I herd some powerful words that garbed my attention. So I clicked over to CreativeLIVE and see what else he had to see. And it was a video he had on Youtube. "Dream it. Do it." is a video that is inspiration to other. It was so great that I had to share it with others!
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SEEK and PEAK: Lens and 10k
Seek are.......
- This week I discovered two screws on the front of my Nikon DSLR are rusted on the top of it. Also when I was switching lenses, a piece of the ring of my wide angle 18-55mm Nikon lens broke off, it was a piece that hold it on to the camera! What did I learn? Well when ever I buy another or any lens for that matter, make sure the ring of the lens is made out of medial, NOT plastic. I will never buy a lens that has a plastic ring!
-I will never drink a cup of Gatorade when running, it us not a great combination because I spilled it all over my shirt! LOL
-I have notes from two amazing workshop to type up from CreativeLIVE!
Peaks are.....
- Today I ran my first 10k in the Canton, Ohio's Hall of Fame City Challenge and my time was 01:07:13. I ran the whole time and stop for one drink. I even encouraged and motivated another runner at a faster speed for my first 10k! It was a great race and company! I am looking forward to next year! Maybe the half marathon next year?
-I received my first Click Magazine for photography! I am going to read through it and see if it worth subscribing to!
- I watched Jared Platt's Photography and Lightroom Plugin 101 on CreativeLIVE this week and learned a lot considering I did not know anything about plugins when the workshop started! Jared Platt had great information and tool that will help you in photoshop and Lightroom workflow!
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Earlier this week 2 packages came in the mail and I was excited! It was the two original Buff that I purchased from Ebay! You can wear the Buffs 12 different ways! I been wearing it as a headband! I like the colors and they fit just right! I wore one when I went running and it absorbed some of my sweet from my hair line! Also one time when running my hair thing broke and the I used my Buff to put my hair in a pony tail. It came to the rescue for the second time! You can buy many styles and color! I am looking forward to using the Buff in the fall!
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Earlier this week the nephews came over for a last summer fun day since they start school next week. I was watching them play together and how they help each other and take each other toys, but at the end of the day they are brothers! The boys was fighting over animals they was play in their little pond together. Nathan would swap Jacobs elephant and he would notice it and take it back. Then Jacob would take a shark from Dylan and Dylan would get it back and Jacob. Then I said how many a animals are their. Then each of you get four animals. I don't care who was what, just give Jacob 2 more animals. Everyone was happen and no swiping animals each had 4 and was happy.
But then later on today they can be so kind to each other. Nathan and Dylan help get Jacob get a drink of water from the hose. It is so funny how Dylan talks to Jacob like a little boy " come here buddy you want a drink of water like me, here I will help you" and he did a great job. Then Nathan was getting a drink so Dylan went over for a drink to. Then Nathan was an cool big brother who're bed the hose down so he can get a drink. That is what big brother are for! I love to see them play together and interact! To funny some times!
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Two 5k runs in one day
Today was excited I took my nephew on their first 5k run the ColorMeRad 5k in Akron, Ohio. The processed go to theDerby Down. Everyone got colored all over them. We did the race in 1 hour.
The second 5k I did was the AKRun and Crawl. My time was 32:48. I beat last runs time! It was a nice trail and great company.
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Seak and Peak: CreativeLIVE and Running
Lets start at the peak:
1. I ran 10k in 1 hour and 15 min.
2.Clay Blackmore was on creativeLIVE
3. A topic on CreativeLIVE was traveling photography with John
1. I learned to take a rest day after a long run, because I did not last week and I was dragging the whole week.
2.My Mom dropped my iPod in the pool and it survived! SWEET!
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New Pool cleaning tool
This year we did a upgrade from the hold school manual cleaning brush that u use a rode and brush. Saturday I tried out a new tool that you use to clean the pool . All you do is hock it up and it is easy. You hock it to the skimmer and prime the hose and it just chugs along! The vacuum like to go around the outside edge of the Pool and did get stuck at the steps. I had to redirect the vacuum and point it to another direction. I did a good job for a none labeling vacuum. I had to direct it to some spot is missed. But while it was cleaning the pool, I was cleaning the edge. That is what we call double duty! I can not give a complete review, I only used it once!
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The coolest shirt ever!
My little nephew has this cool shirt that has a camera on it and it states " SNAP It!" . I tried to get a photo of it when I went on vacation with my sister and her family, but he got it dirty! So this weekend he spent the night at my house and I was able to get a photo of the cool shirt and my nephew rocking it! Hope to upload the photos tomorrow!
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My First official 5k
On Friday, July 19, 2013, I ran at the Leaders Rock the Lock 5k it was my official first 5k in 36:55 minutes. I really enjoyed it and I beat my goal that was 39 min. I even carried my camera. What I learned is next time don't take my camera it is heavy and drink water every 2 miles. I am going to keep running and get faster is my goal.
Have a nice week!
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This weekend the youngest nephew spent the night and we ended up picking some flower for Mamaw. Grandma Long and his mommy and himself. Even put them Ina cup with water.
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4th of July
This year was very relaxed. We celebrated my step dad's birthday and the 4th of July. My sister and my nephews came over to have some fun. For dinner we had stake, backed potato and corn. Then for desert we had DQ ice cream cake to celebrate my step dads birthday and it was yummy! The highlight for Thursday, July 4th are I caught a frog with the boys (2 of the 3 boys touched the frog), celebrating Jim's birthday, poppers and sparklers to close the event for that evening. Dylan picked the frog up several times and even help his little brother, Jacob, touch the frog for the first time. Nathan is a little helper, he help his Papaw get the grill ready and helped me take a group photo of the boys. I was able to capture a little moment of being brother, Nathan put his arm around him little brother and smiled at him. I am so happy I was able to capture the moment. Hope everyone had a great week!
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Myrtle Beach for the week with my sister and her family
I spend the I week hanging with my nephews. It was fun and exciting and the weather was nice. I took some great photo. I am uploading my last memory card on to my laptop as I type this. I am going to post some images some time next week.
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Getting ready for vacation
It was a blast getting everything ready for vacation with my sister and her family. I have to laugh the hardest thing was to decide on what lens to bring on vacation to Myrtle Beach, South Carolina.
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Playing with the little nephew
Today was fathers day and my sister and her family came over fir fathers day. It rained on and off all day! I was playing with my 2 year old nephew. Each of use has a spray bottle. We squirted each other and rocks. Then I decided to be creative and make a smile face on the side walk. It instantly reminded me of the kool- aid man. The smile that was on his face. Did I come close?you be the judge for that!
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Fun Day on the field
I watch my little nephew play his last soccer game for the season on Saturday June 1, 2013. He has came a long way from being afraid of the ball to learning how to control the ball and even score some goals this season! He learned how to take charge and fight for the ball this year! I am so proud of Dylan, sure has improve on the soccer field from being afraid of the ball and getting hit in the stomach with a ball! Great job Dylan, so proud and wish you luck in what ever sport you play next year!
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I have two special sisters! I have been hang out with my twin sister at the hospital day and night since Thursday night and is expected to go home tomorrow (Memorial Day). She had a spinal fluid leak and need to have surgery at 9 pm before the surgery went on vacation for a week. The surgery is to patch the spinal fluid leak after a blood patch did not work. I think she is on the road to recovery and is ready for her next .
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Mother's Day
Happy Mother's Day to my mom! She is one special lady!
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Discover a new tool
I was helping my Mother take down a cabinet in the bathroom and some of the screws was striped. So she got a pair of pliers and a vise grips! That tool is like my next favorite tool behind the cordless screw driver. I must say! O yah, my Mom locked the tool and then she tried to unlock it after getting the screw out of the wall. Then I figured out how to release the grip the vise grips had in the screw! Yes! I got it. That tool is a beast! I must say!
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I finished my first 5k!
I signed up for my first 5k, the Color Vibe in Akron, Ohio. It was a great experience. I decided to do it after discovering that the Color Run in Cleveland was sold out in June. So I signed up 1week before the event. I have not trained for it. But it was fun.
I went with my friend Stephanie on April 26, 2013 and it was a blast. We walked, run, walked, run. When we crossed the finished line we was covered with powder paint! I had a great time and would love to do another 5k in the future!
Photo Credit: Stephanie Lively
I went with my friend Stephanie on April 26, 2013 and it was a blast. We walked, run, walked, run. When we crossed the finished line we was covered with powder paint! I had a great time and would love to do another 5k in the future!
Photo Credit: Stephanie Lively
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This weeks highlights!
SEEK are......
-Tagging takes time, try to tagging old images, to get off the drive.
-Need to type CreativeLIVE notes I don't get behind.
PEAK are.....
- Hanging out with nephew.
- Just started playing with BlogStomp
- Sal Cincotta was on CreativeLIVE, the topic was Marketing Your Photography Business.
SEEK are......
-Tagging takes time, try to tagging old images, to get off the drive.
-Need to type CreativeLIVE notes I don't get behind.
PEAK are.....
- Hanging out with nephew.
- Just started playing with BlogStomp
- Sal Cincotta was on CreativeLIVE, the topic was Marketing Your Photography Business.
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This week I sat down and wrote down 10 goals I want to achieve this year. And to take it one step further I am going to recite the goals every am.
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Powder Paint
I had a powder paint shoot with nephew! They had a blast! Everyone had paint from head to toe. My favorite photo of the evening is the close up one of my nephew, Nathan.
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Easter Sunday
Today it was a fun day! Today my family came over for dinner and a Easter egg hunt. We hid the total of 63 plastic eggs with each one had a quarter. Each nephew had to find 21 eggs. They found all of them except for one egg, My oldest nephew who is nine could not find it. He told me, "Aunt Jen, I give up can you jut give me a quarter and we will find the egg later?" I said, " You have to look for the egg." Then his Mom said, " Nathan, come in here" and he found the last easter egg.
Yes, he found the last egg.
Happy Easter Day to Everyone!
Yes, he found the last egg.
Happy Easter Day to Everyone!
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Pancake Battle
I have been helping my grandma out for the past few weeks. One Tuesday, we was thinking of something to have for dinner. Scene we did not take any meat out of the refrigerator this morning, so dinner has to be easy. So I came up with the idea of have pancakes. I asked my Grandma have you ever made pancakes with vanilla in the batter? O my goodness they are delicious. She was like lets make some with vanilla and some with out, just incase my Aunt Paula does not like them. So I said to my Grandma as I get the ingredients out. Grandma lets have a pancake battle. Lets see who makes the best pancakes. So we made pancakes, she made them really hug. I think it is because she is skilled and has alot of practice. I put the ingredients in a pan and my pan has a tablespoon of vanilla and mix away. Then off to where the fun begins, the oven. Everyone enjoyed the pancakes and got full. But Grandma did like the pancake with a hint of vanilla it make them taste sweat and yummy. She thought I put to much vanilla in the batter. As for who won the pancake battle it was not confirmed because we did not have a judge. So I will be the judge I WON the pancake battle. lol
So next time you make pancake put some vanilla in the mix and see what people think.
Have a great weekend!
So next time you make pancake put some vanilla in the mix and see what people think.
Have a great weekend!
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Rummy with Grandma
I have been helping my Grandma and we have been playing Rummy ever night! I love it when we use all of the cards from the deck. I won two games this week! Yes! I think we all have fun!
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The Science of Getting Rich Book
I must share this book that Sue Bryce Mentioned on her course 28 Days with Sue Bryce on CreativeLIVE this weekend. I started reading it today. The book is called The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace D. Wattles. It is a FREE pdf. to read. The book was written in 1910 and inspired the book, The Secret.
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Spongebob party deserts
My nephew turned 9 today. His party was last weekend I had the honers of making the detests for the party. My sister and I work together to come up with ideas. This year it was sand under the sea, chocolate covered pretzels, chocolate cover marshmallow. The dessert was a hit! Everyone loved it! Photos coming soon!
Have a great week!
Have a great week!
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So God Made a Photographer (Ode to The Farmer)
After the "Farmer", Dodge Ram Truck commercial during the Super Bowl and Beyonce's performance that created a black out. It was obvious the Dodge Ram commercial was the best commercial of the year. It was a must watch on YouTube. A photographer friend Gokhan Cukurova, shared this spin off from the Doge Ram commercial that is geared towards Photographers. It is a must watch and I can not get enough of it! It is a must share!
Thanks Gokhan for sharing,
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Valentines Day Buddy
The sun was shining and their was snow on the ground. It was valentines day I had the opportunity to hang out with my youngest nephew for a photo shoot. We had a blast. He turned 2 on February 4 th and is starting to put words together to create sentence and getting his point across to people. He would say to me "Auntie come play with me." He is full of joy and enjoys ganging out in the kitchen. I was able to capture some great images since, I tried last weekend and he got sick and it did not work out. I was able to capture Jacobs smile and some raw emotion from this handsome little guy. I had a blast and enjoy hang out with a cool little boy who is 2.
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Camera strap
Should you use a camera strap? I was using the camera strap that came with my camera, but it was making my neck hurt so found another strap. Now I am going free . No strap. I like it a lot. You should try it.
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Farm Party Desserts
Jacob, my littlest nephew turn the big number 2 on February 2, 2013, there was snowing outside, but as you entered the party there was excitement in the air! I was ready to get the party started and display the yummy deserts I made the night before. The desert menu was pie pops, cow rice Krispy treats and chocolate pretzel rides. potato sticks as hay, All thing I hope the little guy loved! Jacob received an little tikes cozy car from his Mamaw and Pappy for his birthday. The theme of the party was farm animals since the little guy like animals. I think the deserts turned out great. Pizza and Jojo was on the menu for the night and the cake had chocolate Mouse inside it. I think my sister did a great job!
Nephew had a great time playing in his cake, but he did not want to get to dirty! He did not like the cake on his fingers! Must use a fork the is some manures for a 2 year old!
Happy Birthday Jacob!
Nephew had a great time playing in his cake, but he did not want to get to dirty! He did not like the cake on his fingers! Must use a fork the is some manures for a 2 year old!
Happy Birthday Jacob!
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‘The light that shines’ A Documentary
This is a film document that everyone must watch!
Over the last few days I have been watching Sue Bryce and Hailey Bartholomew on CreativeLIVE and they shared Jill Brezezubski-conley's story on film. It is a beautiful story of a women's courage and straight. She is telling her story with the help of Sue Bryce and others. The story is very powerful I must say.
Here is the video.
'The Light That Shines' a story for all from on Vimeo.
Here is the magazine with great words of wisdom and straight.
Over the last few days I have been watching Sue Bryce and Hailey Bartholomew on CreativeLIVE and they shared Jill Brezezubski-conley's story on film. It is a beautiful story of a women's courage and straight. She is telling her story with the help of Sue Bryce and others. The story is very powerful I must say.
Here is the video.
'The Light That Shines' a story for all from on Vimeo.
Here is the magazine with great words of wisdom and straight.
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Can you believe it, my little blog made it to Pintrest! When I discovered it I was like now that is cool! The post that made it was the under the sea baby shower that I did.
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Steve Job's 2005 Stanford Commencement Address
I Love TedTalk. This is a video from Youtube that Steve Job's 2005 Stanford Commencement Address. The Speech is inspiring and a must watch.
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