SEEK and PEAK: Lens and 10k

Seek are.......
- This week I discovered two screws on the front of my  Nikon DSLR are rusted on the top of it. Also when I was switching lenses, a piece of the ring  of my wide angle 18-55mm Nikon lens broke off, it was a piece that hold it on to the camera! What did I learn? Well when ever I buy another or any lens for that matter,  make  sure the ring of the lens is made out of medial, NOT  plastic. I will never buy a lens that has a plastic ring!  
 -I will never drink a cup of Gatorade when running, it us not a great combination because I spilled it all over my shirt! LOL
-I have notes from  two amazing workshop to type up from CreativeLIVE!

Peaks are.....
- Today I ran my first 10k in the Canton, Ohio's Hall of Fame City Challenge and my time was 01:07:13. I ran the whole time and stop for one drink. I even encouraged and motivated  another  runner at a faster  speed for my first 10k! It was a great race and company! I am looking forward to next year! Maybe the half marathon next year?
-I received my first Click Magazine for photography! I am going to read through it and see if it worth subscribing to!
- I watched Jared Platt's  Photography and Lightroom Plugin 101 on CreativeLIVE  this week and learned a lot considering I did not know anything about plugins when the workshop started! Jared Platt had great information and tool that will help you in photoshop and Lightroom workflow!

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