Running for a Stranger

Today I ran in honer of a runner who I never met and never will. Meg is unable to run anymore because she is a special angel in heaven.

Her story has been all over social media. Meg Cross Menzies  "Meg" was a Mother and an avid runner, who was doing a morning run on Monday, January 13, 2014, when she was hit by a drunk drive. But the running community  created an international day for running in her honer. In just 5 days over 90,00 people singed up to run in her on today. An event on Facebook called Meg's Miles, the hashtag in her memory is #megmiles .

So tonight I run my first night run at 6:30 p.m.  and 18 degrees outside! Just after I made homemade pizza for the family, I put my running gear on (wicked t-shirt,wicked zip up and my outer Columbia jacket, Underarmer tights, adidas pants, socks, my strip buffer, craft hat, black  gloves and reflective gloves, and my headlamp, iPhone and earbuds). I started my Nike app and turn my music down low in Megs honor. Then laced up my shoes and turned on the headlamp to hit the sidewalk (usually hit the road). When I run I usually do not think I just relax and enjoy my run, but today was special because I was thinking about Meg and how her three kids and husband will miss her dearly. So to night I ran 3 miles, one for each of her kids.  My thought are with Megs family and friends! It was a nice run, I felt the cold air on my face and I can see my breath in the air!  I was thankful that I was able to run to night.

I just hope Megs story helps other and saves life's!

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