SEEK and PEAK: Tagging + Super Soaker

 This weeks highlights!
SEEKS are……..
  • Scanning scrapbook 1 of 4 done!
  • Tagging images in Adobe Lightroom 3 and edit photos. I am trying to get caught up.
  • Gap dose not have size 1 petite available any more!
PEAK are……….
  • Jerry Ghionis pickpockets action and reaction came in the mail, finally  found time to look at them! Amazing.
  • Beyance album came out Tuesday!
  • I purchased 8 Super Soakers! The squirt gun fight was a blast today!

The Magic Behind the Video!


This is my nephew second session of playing soccer. When my nephew, Nathan started playing soccer in the spring he asked me if I could make a video of him playing soccer. And of course I said YES!  Then Nathan was like, can you put some word in it like you did for Dylan's Birthday video. I said SURE! 

When Nathan said video he really means a slideshow of photos on a DVD. So I was  thinking how can I raise the bar and make this slideshow better then other slideshows I did in the past. I  came up with creative a document type slideshow with Nathan playing soccer, photos, and messages from his fans.

 I put my plan in action, going to his games to capture some great shoot  with my DSLR and put my little FlipVideo with a bag over  (it was raining, incase you was wondering) it  on a big tripod to capture Nathan in action on the field.  It looked quite funny. To create the message from  his fans, I using Nikon D5000 camera with video option. It was my first time and you can tell!  No Joke!  What did I learn from this event? I learned next time I do video, I will purchase a monopod to keep the camera steady. Nathan really like the video. He called me two times to thank me for the video. He is happy and really enjoys it, that is what matters the most!

Check out the link to the amazing video:

Special Thanks To: Uncle Jim for letting me use his Nikon camera for video and all of Nathan's Amazing fans who allowed me to record a special message. 

Nathan, thank you for allowing me to capture your raw moments on the soccer field! I enjoyed every moment of it! 

Genius is for Jerry Ghionis!

    Jerry Ghionis, a famous wedding photographer from Australia, who came to Akron, Ohio as part of  the Akron Photo Series to discuss his greatest hits, favorite tips and techniques that he used throughout his career. Jerry is one of the top 10 wedding photographers in the word by American Photo Magazine, one of the most influential wedding photographers and won many awards at WPPI. 
     I have following Jerry's blog for a while. I discovered his wife, Melissa Ghionis, on Dane Sanders Fast Track Coach. I was so excited to meet Jerry and Melissa Ghionis. I was counting down the days, like a kid counting the days when school is out for the summer. 
    On June 13, 2011, I meet Jerry and Melissa Ghionis. It was a nice summer day, but when you entered the  Hilton Hotel you could feel the love in the room. From all of the photographers eager  to listen to Jerry speak. I arrived at the event early to hear him speak and as I walked in I saw Skip Cohen and some old friends. Melissa Ghionis was very friendly, down to earth and funny. Jerry is a spectacular photographer, more like a genius. The best advice I learned from spending the evening with Jerry was to photography your subject through the eyes of their loved one!  I will never say their is a bad environment after attending this photography event! He showed some of his favorite images and the magic that happens to capture the images.  He also brought up some great points like why capture 5 images of the same person and just  capture 2 amazing images and move on. He had some great ideas for capturing the relationship between two people. For example, the Father and Bride, by simple stating softly, "Are you ready to see your father for the last time as a single girl?" and then wait to capture the relationship.  That example comes from has pickpocket card called action- reaction.  The pickpocket is a series of educationals tools in the form of deck of cards that can be stored in camera bag for  quick references. The card have great tips and is the top selling cards out of  Jerry's pickpockets collection. The quote of the evening was, "Don't think to much, more you think, the less you feel." -Jerry Ghionis.  He even made everyone think about how to use inspiration around you in everyday life. Use inspiration, but have it be interoperate in your own way. And think about the album when shooting.

      I would like to thank Jerry  and Melissa Ghionis for coming to the United States. And can you believe it,  the Akron Photo Series broke the  record, 10000 dollar mark,  in raised donation for the Akron Children Hospital. That is amazing!

Have a great Week!

Light Painting


       Light painting is a creative technique you can  do with  a flashlight, sparklers and glow sticks.This was my first time painting with light by using a flashlight. It was fun and exciting!

Light painting is a great way to play with lighting and you do not need that much stuff to accomplish it.  The room has to be dark and you need a digital camera( can be set to manual), tripod and I used two Pocket Wizards, wear dark cloths.

The  step are the following:
1. Put  the camera on tripod and have the camera on manual and focus on manual( focus on the point your flashlight is going to be). Set the cameras  f-stop to the highest number and shutter speed on bulb. Connect the Pocket Wizard on the camera and turn on both Pocket Wizards.
2. Turn the light off and wear dark clothing. Get your flashlights ready and can grab some friend to makes it more fun.
3.  With the camera on a tripod and one Pocket Wizard on camera.  Have the other Pocket Wizard in hand with the flashlight.
4. Hold down  the button on the Pocket Wizard and be creative with the flashlights. When you are down with your  light painting  release the button on the Pocket Wizard.
5. Check the back of the camera to see your image and make adjustment if needed. Make sure  the light painting is in focus.

The below is one of my photographs.

Be part of the Dasein! Only 2 days left!

Come join the fun! 

Chase Jarvis is a commercial photography, who is also one of the creatures of CreativeLIVE. I blogged about creativeLIVE before.  Chase Jarvis was giving the chance to stay at Ace Hotel in New York and photograph the world around him in a real moments. Also, Ace Hotel allowed Chase full access and complete control of their gallery for a month.
 So Chase created this project called:  Dasein:  An Invitation to Hang. It is where photographer around the world can come together and stand as one. Photogrpahers can capture real moments and be part of the online gallery here . You can enter as many images you would like for the online gallery and Chase will select images daily from the online gallery to be hung in a Ace Hotel Gallery in New York. The Ace Hotel gallery images will be  changes every day, sometimes 2 times per day, with 100 to 200 new images.Your photograph can hang with chase and other amazing photographers. Summit your image! Selected images It has a chance to be  printed on 4x5 polaroid paper and can be  selected to be hanging on the wall in the Ace Hotel Gallery!

Here is one of the images I enter!

Join the fun and have a chance  to have your image in a New York Gallery!