PEAK and SEEK: Yoga and Camera

LAST weeks highlights.

Seeks are....

  • I enjoy yoga, but only did it 2 day this week. My goal is 3 times a week.
  • It needs to stop being so windy outside so I could crush some miles.
  • I slacked on my training for the marathon, but will pick up next week.

Peaks are.....

  • CreativeLIVE  has Photoshop week next week.
  • I signed up for Akron Full Marathon in September
  • I let my little nephew use my camera  and I must say he has great form for only being 3 years old. 

Valentines Day and 2 Deserts

This week I baked two deserts.

One Monday, it was a cold winter day and my little nephew, Jacob, came over to spend the night.  I figured it would be fun to make Brookies with him. We made this new desert I found on Pintrest and wanted to do a test run on it! It is called Brookies, because it is made out of chocolate chip cookies and brownies. Jacob enjoyed mixing the brownies mix and chocolate chip dough in the bowls. It was funny because he tried raw chocolate chip dough and did not like it. He spit the dough in the bowl, while my sister, Jessica, was going to town eating the dough out of the bowl.

To make the desert you basically mix chocolate chip cookie dough in one bowl and Brownies in another bowl. Then you put both of them in a greased pan in a line. I made long strips of brownies and chocolate chip cookies. It turned out  to be a really great desert. It was so great that the next evening it was gone. What I learned for next time is make the stripes of chocolate chip dough and cookies vertical, not horizontal and make the stripes smaller.

Yesterday was Valentine Day! It is a day that your boyfriend, husband, or gentleman show the girl how much they appreciate them. My mom wanted to make sugar cookies for Valentine's Day and she asked me to help her. She mixed the dough and I did the rest! I  really enjoyed being creative when decorating the cookies!

2014 GOALS


Last Monday and Tuesday I watch some of CreativeLIVE's workshop called "Goal-Setting for the best year yet with Dory Willer." The workshop was about setting goals and achieving them.  You should have 10 goals each year and as you achieve them you create another one. Then you break your goal down into steps and then to make a list of steps you want to achieve each month. So one day a month you create a to do list for each week so you can reach your goals and mark them off the list. Then you write you top ten goal on a piece of paper and put it in a place you will see it every morning. You read them and think about them. Then every week you evaluate what you did last week, what you learned and what you will do better next week. I must say it is hard to have only 10 goals.

My 10 goals for 2014  are the following:

  1.  Run 2 marathons and 2 half marathons 
  2. Take my Nephews to 5k run
  3. Learn how to proper expose my image in camera, so I do not have to adjust a little in Lightroom
  4. Learn Photoshop at a tool in photography
  5. Create a portfolio with photoshoots
  6. Read 3 books in February
  7. Do yoga 3 times a week for a Febuary 
  8. Learn how to use off camera flash
  9. Have an amazing Halloween Party, it will be my 5th year! Get a theme and an outline
  10. Get license



Looking back at the beginning on January 8th, 2014. I was babysitting my little nephew Jacob, who was 2. He enjoy looking at photographs and was looking at a album of his brothers when they were a baby. So then I pulled out the scrapbook that I started when he was born. I wanted to record 2 years of his life in a scrapbook like I did for his two other older brother. Jacob really enjoyed looking at the pages of his life when he was a baby and pointing at people in his family. So then I got thinking that it is the right time to finish his scrapbook, that should have been done in February 2013 for his birthday. Then his birthday snuck up on me and I only had a few days to accomplish what takes 2 weeks.

This week I finally finished my littlest nephews scrapbook of his second year of his life from 2012. I competed 51 pages in 4 days with the help of my sister, Jessica for  his 3rd Birthday Party.  I enjoyed selecting the images to put in the scrapbook, because I was able to relive the experience.  While developing the pages I notice my photography has improving. But sometimes it was overwhelming because it was hard to select the best times. The reason for that was that I was emotionally attached to them. I posted this comment on my Facebook page, "I just experienced the vacation with my sister and her family to Myrtle Beach, Sc again because I just went through 2018 images in Lightroom by selecting and rejecting images from 2012. The images are for my little nephews scrapbook!" I would like to thank Jessica for gluing, sticking the photos and the embellishment on the pages as I layer them out and designed them. The book became so big that I had to create new binding for the middle. You can see the photo below the top one is before and the photo on the bottom  one is the finished product.

Without the help of Jessica I would not have been able to get 4 hours of sleep before the party. Thank you so much Jessica!