2014 GOALS


Last Monday and Tuesday I watch some of CreativeLIVE's workshop called "Goal-Setting for the best year yet with Dory Willer." The workshop was about setting goals and achieving them.  You should have 10 goals each year and as you achieve them you create another one. Then you break your goal down into steps and then to make a list of steps you want to achieve each month. So one day a month you create a to do list for each week so you can reach your goals and mark them off the list. Then you write you top ten goal on a piece of paper and put it in a place you will see it every morning. You read them and think about them. Then every week you evaluate what you did last week, what you learned and what you will do better next week. I must say it is hard to have only 10 goals.

My 10 goals for 2014  are the following:

  1.  Run 2 marathons and 2 half marathons 
  2. Take my Nephews to 5k run
  3. Learn how to proper expose my image in camera, so I do not have to adjust a little in Lightroom
  4. Learn Photoshop at a tool in photography
  5. Create a portfolio with photoshoots
  6. Read 3 books in February
  7. Do yoga 3 times a week for a Febuary 
  8. Learn how to use off camera flash
  9. Have an amazing Halloween Party, it will be my 5th year! Get a theme and an outline
  10. Get license

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