

Looking back at the beginning on January 8th, 2014. I was babysitting my little nephew Jacob, who was 2. He enjoy looking at photographs and was looking at a album of his brothers when they were a baby. So then I pulled out the scrapbook that I started when he was born. I wanted to record 2 years of his life in a scrapbook like I did for his two other older brother. Jacob really enjoyed looking at the pages of his life when he was a baby and pointing at people in his family. So then I got thinking that it is the right time to finish his scrapbook, that should have been done in February 2013 for his birthday. Then his birthday snuck up on me and I only had a few days to accomplish what takes 2 weeks.

This week I finally finished my littlest nephews scrapbook of his second year of his life from 2012. I competed 51 pages in 4 days with the help of my sister, Jessica for  his 3rd Birthday Party.  I enjoyed selecting the images to put in the scrapbook, because I was able to relive the experience.  While developing the pages I notice my photography has improving. But sometimes it was overwhelming because it was hard to select the best times. The reason for that was that I was emotionally attached to them. I posted this comment on my Facebook page, "I just experienced the vacation with my sister and her family to Myrtle Beach, Sc again because I just went through 2018 images in Lightroom by selecting and rejecting images from 2012. The images are for my little nephews scrapbook!" I would like to thank Jessica for gluing, sticking the photos and the embellishment on the pages as I layer them out and designed them. The book became so big that I had to create new binding for the middle. You can see the photo below the top one is before and the photo on the bottom  one is the finished product.

Without the help of Jessica I would not have been able to get 4 hours of sleep before the party. Thank you so much Jessica!

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