My First Half Marathon 2:14:45

Yesterday I ran my first Akron half marathon on September 28,2013 at 7:00 am , it was amazing! The Akron marathon had 15000 runners! 
I was so excited and little nervous, even if I have been train for the Akron half marathon. I went to the expo and it got me really excited. My goal when I started training for the half marathon was 2:30:00.But then after I ran 13.1 miles two time before signing up, my goal changed to 2:15:00. With that goal I knew I hand to get faster because when Idid two training runs my time was 2:23:00 and 2:18:00.  So I wanted to create a goal that would push me! Well I must say I smashed the miles at the akron half marathon with my finish time was 2:14:45. I was so happy when I found out I reached my goal. When I crossed the finish line it stated  2:20:56, I think. But that is the time from when the race started to finish. But I did not start running  when the race started it took me a some time to cross the start line. So my net time was 2:14:45, that is how long I was running for from start to the finish line. The Akron half marathon was a great course and experience! Thair was a crowed of spectators that incouraged  and cheered the runners on. Some  spectators had marshmallows and starburst that they passed out to the runners! Thair was some funny signs like for example, " run like you stool it" and "smile if your not wearing underware". I really enjoyed the race and looking forward to next years akron marathon. I am thinking about doing the full marathon next year. I am just thinking! But I have to get a little faster first. 

The following is how my journey of running started. I found a love for running at the end of April. I started running training to run a 5k. Then after I got a few 5k's under my belt,  I want to do a half marathon. So I decide to train for it and run a 10k to see if I was ready for a half marathon! I could run more when I crossed the finish line at the 10k race. 

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