#6 and Learn Music Rights

Number  six is one of my  2011 Photography Goals, I can check it of my list!

 I decide to go with Vimeo as a option to share my videos and slideshows. Vimeo is easy to work with and all you have to do is upload your video or slideshow  to share with others.  I use iMove to create a slideshow for my photography and Triple Scoop Music to set the tone for the slideshow. Thanks to Dane Sander's live webcast episode while back, I learned the right of purchased music from itunes or from the store.

Every Tuesday, Dane Sanders  (Fast Track Photography Author) has a live webcast , where he has a special guest regarding business or photography.  Episode 107 is Using Music to Transform Your Business and the guess was Roy Ashen, the cofounder of Triple Scoop Music. From this episode I learned that when you purchase music from the store or  itunes, it is  for the personal listening use only. You only get the right to listen to the song and not for commercials purposes. It dose not  cover any business use, such as, advertising, slideshows, websites, video or to give to clients in any form.

I think Triple Scoop Music sets the tone for my  slideshow. Each song you purchase you have single user and lifetime right to the song.  You can use the song as many times as you want. Triple Scoop Music has a verity of songs you can hand pick  to complete  your slideshow! 

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