Be part of the Dasein! Only 2 days left!

Come join the fun! 

Chase Jarvis is a commercial photography, who is also one of the creatures of CreativeLIVE. I blogged about creativeLIVE before.  Chase Jarvis was giving the chance to stay at Ace Hotel in New York and photograph the world around him in a real moments. Also, Ace Hotel allowed Chase full access and complete control of their gallery for a month.
 So Chase created this project called:  Dasein:  An Invitation to Hang. It is where photographer around the world can come together and stand as one. Photogrpahers can capture real moments and be part of the online gallery here . You can enter as many images you would like for the online gallery and Chase will select images daily from the online gallery to be hung in a Ace Hotel Gallery in New York. The Ace Hotel gallery images will be  changes every day, sometimes 2 times per day, with 100 to 200 new images.Your photograph can hang with chase and other amazing photographers. Summit your image! Selected images It has a chance to be  printed on 4x5 polaroid paper and can be  selected to be hanging on the wall in the Ace Hotel Gallery!

Here is one of the images I enter!

Join the fun and have a chance  to have your image in a New York Gallery!

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