Last race of the year

On December 21, 2013, I attend the Akron Canton  Regional Foodbank's inaugural Selfless Elf 5k at 8 o'clock in the morning the tempature was 56 degrees and a light rain the whole run! It was a nice run I got soaked  but I did not get cold! Good thing I had on the selfless elf tee shirt, a wicked long sleeve shirt, a running tee, under arm tights and running shorts with no gloves! But my craft running hat and elf socks! The course was nice and thair was a part in the course where you had to go down a road and back up(a turn around spot) that means you pass runner at the loop and I was giving runner a high five as we passed each other to make it fun. This one tall guy put his hand up high for me to give him a high five and I jumped up and gave him a high fived him! It was funny! Thair even one guy that was running with no shoes, very interesting! The first mile  was. 8:55 , then I lost it! I started of to fast!  I finished in 31:24:2, pace of 10:07. It was funny because I start put towards the front of the start lone and I see everyone around me get ready to start thair stop watch to time them self!  It was a great event and thair was 800 plus selfless runners and walkers at this event! 

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